Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Pops!

Growing up you never really understand or appreciate the people who teach you the most about life, what lessons are worth learning (which ones to avoid), and are there for you no matter what. My brother and I couldn't be any luckier to have been gifted the parents we have. It really sets in your mind just how amazing your parents are when they become your best friends and the ones who know more about you than you'd like to admit. It also sets in your mind when you've reached your mid-20's and you still depend on them for things like, "Where would I find ground ginger if it's not in the seasoning section? Can I use anything to substitute it?" or "If my car sounds like this is it going to blow up?"

Today is my Pops Birthday. Today I wish I could have called in sick, caught the earliest flight back home, and surprised my Pops with a cup of coffee and a cupcake. You see my Pops is a guy who deserves everything in this world bundled up in happiness and wrapped with love (and obviously more than a b-day cupcake). He has always been the guy who has given everyone else the world.

I could write for days about how amazing he is and how lucky I am to call him my Pops. I can't tell you enough how much my friends know about him, even if they've never met him, and how much they love him. I can't tell you enough how much my brother and I make fun of him and get on him for the littlest things, but at the end of the day he is still the one we always turn to. I also can't stress enough how much I tell Mike about my Pops and how no one will ever replace the footsteps he's put in front of me, or the lessons he's taught me.

Today is a day (55 years ago) that the world was blessed with the most amazing son, brother, Pops, uncle and best friend! To 55+ more years ahead, Happy Birthday, Pops!

Skidamarinkadinkadink - I love you!

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